Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Don't Be A Creep/My First Post

Hola, Blogosphere!! Que pasa? 

Okay, we've pretty much exhausted my knowledge of the Spanish language. Although I do like any insult that begins with, "Mira, puta...." (Try that out on your Spanish-speaking friends. I guarantee a swift kick to the groin, or any other areas that induce pain when struck.) Anyway...

The intended purpose of this blog is to take Craigslist ads that are either poorly-written (due to grammatical, punctuational, spelling, and factual errors--or some combination thereof), or are just so ridiculous and/or hysterical, and mercilessly attack them. It's sort of like being the bitchy/snarky group in the corner of a bar; the kind that make fun of someone's outfit. I'm not saying I'm that type of person, although there have been times I wish I were. 

Here's a classic example:

Let's see...where should I begin?

First, I'm sure the website listed in this ad is specifically designed to attract creepy (or otherwise unsavory) individuals. Note the lack of descriptive words, including what constitutes as "creepy," and what is considered to be a "cool" roommate. 

Second, in a twist of irony, the ad itself is creepy. There isn't a whole lot of information in the ad, and there is no contact information, except for the web address. 

Third, where the hell is "Phiilly?" Is it in Southeastern Pennsylvania, or somewhere else? That's a head-scratcher....

You guys get the point. There's no sense in beating the dead....pick a noun. If you guys want to clue me in to Craigslist ads that pique your interest, great! I love it when the work is done for me. I'll even give you credit for it...that, and a dollar, can get you a cup of coffee (except at Starbucks). Hasta luego, putas!!

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